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Putteridge Primary School

Putteridge Primary School

Computing Curriculum Intent, Implementation & Impact statement

Intention (Why do we teach what we teach ?)

We have designed our Computing curriculum so that our learners:

  • Understand that computing is now an intrinsic part of all of our lives and our future
  • Are exposed to a high-quality computing education which ensures that the curriculum is both exciting and informative and prepares children for a technological future world

Implementation (How do we teach it ?)

Our Computing curriculum is taught:

  • So that it enables all children to develop confidence and resilience when problem-solving and encourages them to collaborate with others, whilst being independent and confident in their use of technology
  • So that our children are able to articulate what they are learning and ask discerning questions
  • So that safety is paramount and all of our children are taught how to keep themselves safe online
  • So that it provides children with the key knowledge about how computers and computer systems work, and how they are designed and programmed

Impact (What has been the impact and how do we know?)

The impact of the Computing curriculum at Putteridge Primary can be seen through:

  • Our children will have gained key knowledge and skills in the three main areas of the computing curriculum: computer science (programming and understanding how digital systems work), and  information technology (using computer systems to store) by the time they leave our school
  • Staff that are focused on developing their computing knowledge and imparting this to the children within real life contexts and providing opportunities to enter into computing discussion