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Putteridge Primary School

Putteridge Primary School

School News

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  • 17/07/24

    StayWise Safety Talks

    StayWise workshops have been happening across the school to teach the children all about keepiing safe in a variety of situations.
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  • 10/07/24

    Rail Safety Videos

    Two useful videos to educate our young people about the danger of the railway ahead of the summer holiday...
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  • 13/09/22

    Attendance achievers w/e 19th July

    Very well done to Blue class who had the highest attendance in EYFS/KS1 last week with 97.04%, and 6N who had the highest attendance in KS2 with 98.00% (full list in main news article)
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  • 15/03/24

    £673.99 raised so far for Comic Relief

    Thank you for your generous donations !
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  • 02/02/24

    Children's Mental Health Week, 5th-9th Feb

    My Voice Matters
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  • 22/01/24

    Rachel Hopkins, MP, visits Putteridge Primary

    See the full article to find out all about Rachel's visit to PPS, including meeting with representatives of the School Council.
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  • 19/12/23

    Children return to school at 8.45am on Thursday 4th January 2024

    We look forward to welcoming the children back for the start of the Spring term.
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  • 07/12/23

    £618.31 raised from the Christmas performance retiring collections for Keech Hospice

    Thank you for your fantastic generosity !
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  • 17/11/23

    £723.53 raised for Children in Need

    A huge thank you for your generous donations !
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  • 16/11/23

    Anti-Bullying Week

    To have a look at the photos from this important week of raising awareness, please visit the  Galleries tab.
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  • 14/11/23

    Children in Need non-uniform day

    On Friday 17th November, children can wear spots or stripes to mark this event. Further information can be found in the School News section (News & Events tab).
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