URGENT update following PM's announcement
Parentmail issues are preventing letter being sent - please see letter in News and Events section from Mr Pickard
4th January 2021
Dear Mums, Dads and Carers,
Sincere apologies for emailing late on an evening but following on from the Prime Minister’s announcement I wanted to confirm that the earlier arrangements for a dual-option approach for learning this week have now been superseded.
As the lockdown commences at midnight tonight, the school will now only open tomorrow to children who are categorised as critical worker children, those children with an EHCP or those children whose families have an allocated social worker. A Parentmail form was sent earlier today to all parents, asking for those who fall into this category to complete the form accordingly. Thank you to those who have completed it; if you haven’t as yet and you do fall into any of the above categories, can you please complete this as soon as possible. A further Parentmail form will follow regarding requirements for this week and children attending school during this period will need to wear school uniform and come to school at their normal year group start time.
For all other children, learning will now move on-line and can be accessed in the usual way via Google Classroom. Each class will have access to initial learning activities from tomorrow and further information regarding the on-line learning will be sent out over the next 48 hours. If you do have any issues accessing Google Classroom, please either email enquiries@putteridgeprimaryschool.org.uk or telephone the school office where we will endeavour to answer your queries.
From the statement made this evening, we understand that this new lockdown will last until at least February half-term. As more information becomes available, I will keep you updated with what this means for pupils at Putteridge Primary.
Again, sincere apologies for having to email so late and reverse the decisions that we had made earlier in the day. I would like to take this opportunity before closing to thank all of our families for their support, understanding and very kind words that have been shared, particularly over the last 24 hours – they have been very much appreciated by the members of staff.
Please take care, stay safe and well and I look forward to seeing you all in the not-too-distant future.
Kind regards,
Mr C Pickard