Attendance achievers w/e 13th September
Very well done to Yellow class who had the highest attendance in EYFS/KS1 last week with 100%, and 5R who had the highest attendance in KS2 with 99.00% (full list in main news article)
Attendance for week ending 13th September:
Yellow class - 100% 5R - 99.00%
Green class - 98.67% 3Z & 4W - 98.67%
Gold class - 98.08% 6P - 97.67%
Blue class - 96.90% 3Y - 97.33%
Bronze class - 96.88% 5T - 97.24%
Silver class - 96.71% 4V - 96.33%
Purple class - 94.58% 6N & 6Q - 95.67%
Red class - 93.57% 4U - 95.16%
Orange class - 92.80% 3X - 94.67%
5S - 92.67%