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Putteridge Primary School

Putteridge Primary School

Art & Design Curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact statement

Intention (Why do we teach what we teach ?)

We have designed our Art curriculum so that our learners:

  • Develop a passion for and appreciation of art
  • Are provided with meaningful opportunities to express their creativity, acquire new skills as well as fine-tuning existing skills
  • Reflect on pieces of art from different stimuli and are provided with opportunities to freely voice their thoughts and questions
  • Are exposed to arrange of cultural and historical movements that are meaningful to the society we live in
  • Are able to explore topical issues through the use of art such as pollution or discrimination

Implementation (How do we teach it ?)

Our Art curriculum is taught:

  • Progressively so that it begins in the Early Years, where children are taught the foundations of art skills, along with fine motor
  • Using Kapow Primary’s Art scheme of work. This ensures that previous skills and knowledge are returned to and built upon.  This allows pupil progress to be developed as they will be able to undertake more complex tasks, whilst tackling simple tasks with greater ease and accuracy
  • So that pupils actively participate in a range of art skills and tasks which are taught in blocks and relevant to each year groups particular themes, adding context to learning
  • Using our well-equipped Art room, allowing children to become artists who are exposed to working with a wide variety of artistic materials
  • So that work and artistic talent can be showcased across the school, from the progression of skills within sketchbooks each year, to work on display within classrooms and across the school's communal areas and corridors

Impact (What has been the impact and how do we know?)

The impact of the Art curriculum at Putteridge Primary can be seen through:

  • Our children creating high-quality pieces of art that meet the learning objectives
  • Our children's application of skills in other areas of the curriculum, showing that the knowledge and understanding of these are embedded. This includes opportunities where pupils are given freedom and can showcase their talent
  • Our children's ability to provide feedback through peer assessment
  • Our children can self-reflect and assess their own work
  • The progression of skills with the children's sketchbooks
  • Pupil voice where children can articulate their growing understanding of theories and practical aspects, as well as sharing their understanding of artists