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Putteridge Primary School

Putteridge Primary School

History Curriculum Intent, Implementation & Impact statement

Intention (Why do we teach what we teach ?)

We have designed our History curriculum so that our learners:

  • Foster an enthusiasm and curiosity about history and learning about the past through an engaging and varied curriculum; developing skills and understanding which can be applied to any area of history
  • Are taught skills and concepts progressively across the school in line with the National Curriculum
  • Develop a secure sense of chronology; acquiring an understanding of time, events and people through the passing of time
  • Use research skills to pose questions and investigate the past by making inferences and drawing conclusions.
  • Understand how events have occurred concurrently in different locations worldwide in order to compare and contrast
  • Study a variety of significant historical figures and events that underpin the diversity of Britain and the wider world.

Implementation (How do we teach it ?)

Our History curriculum is taught:

  • So that lessons are appropriately pitched and challenging and are designed to inspire and support learning, providing opportunities to explore the past
  • Through carefully sequenced lessons that demonstrate progression building upon prior knowledge and enabling children to apply it to new learning
  • To allow children to make links across the curriculum through topic based learning
  • Using timelines so that chronology is embedded and children understand how different periods of history link together
  • By ensuring that key vocabulary is incorporated alongside different sources of evidence – both primary and secondary – to help bring history to life within the classroom
  • Through historical visits and activities where children are able to develop a greater understanding of the past in their local area and across the world

Impact (What has been the impact and how do we know?)

The impact of the History curriculum at Putteridge Primary can be seen through:

  • Clear evidence that our children have shown progress and attainment in line with the National Curriculum
  • Our children demonstrate enthusiasm for the subject and can talk with confidence about history
  • Our children demonstrate an understanding of a range of historical vocabulary which can be applied confidently
  • As historians, our children can use their skills to pose questions, evaluate evidence and draw conclusions