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Putteridge Primary School

Putteridge Primary School

Religious Education Curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact statement

Intention (Why do we teach what we teach ?)

We have designed our Religious Education curriculum so that our learners:

  • Are inspired through learning about religions (Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism and Sikhism), empowering them our to pose questions confidently, articulatory with empathy and respect
  • Confidence and identity are developed so that they are more self-aware and independent; including a sense of morality, tolerance and understanding of other beliefs alongside the British Values
  • Are offered memorable, rich and diverse learning experiences to enable reflection on communities near and far; developing their role within wider society, thus developing a sense of belonging and cooperation
  • Acquire and promote similarities and differences between faiths, beliefs and lifestyles in order to shape provide opportunities for them to formulate their own decisions

Implementation (How do we teach it ?)

Our Religious Education curriculum is taught:

  • Following the statutory National Curriculum alongside the RE Agreed Syllabus (2018-2023), for Bedford Borough, Central Bedfordshire and Luton, which form the basis of our curriculum
  • Through the delivery of lessons in 8 key areas of learning: belief and practices; sources of wisdom; symbols and actions; prayer, worship and reflection; identity and belonging; human responsibility and values; justice and fairness.
  • Through a scaffolded curriculum, which progresses from Early Years into Key-Stage 2.
    • Early Years – Understanding the world through similarities and differences of themselves and others, including families, communities, traditions and festivals.
    • KS1 – Begin t develop their own understanding and enable opportunities to make sense of a range of religious and non-religious beliefs, including world views, local, national and global contexts. Pupils will begin to use subject-specific vocabulary and raise questions about religion, beliefs and human life.
    • KS2 - Use prior knowledge to deepen understanding of religions and world views within their local and global contexts. To promote curiosity and enable pupils to gain confidence to ask increasingly challenging questions about religion, beliefs and human life.

Impact (What has been the impact and how do we know?)

The impact of the Religious Education curriculum at Putteridge Primary can be seen through:

  • Our pupils being knowledgeable about Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism and Sikhism and are able to confidently converse their knowledge and experiences in relation to these by demonstrating understanding, empathy, tolerance and respect through different religions and the British Values, within the United Kingdom
  • Our pupils drawing upon their knowledge and skills in relation to the 8 key areas of learning and demonstrating that they recognise and understand the similarities and differences between the principle faith studied, their own beliefs, and other individuals within our school community.