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Putteridge Primary School

Putteridge Primary School

School Meals, Packed Lunches & Allergens

School Meals

We provide healthy, balanced meals because they:

  • Improve young people's concentration and performance in school.
  • Promote health, growth and development.
  • Increase resistance to illness.
  • Introduce good habits for later life.
  • Are freshly prepared food.

School dinners are currently charged at £2.40 per day.  Families who are on Free School Meals or have children who attend Foundation Stage, Year 1 and Year 2 do not have to pay for their meals.

Children are NOT permitted to have school dinners on some days (i.e. because they like a roast dinner) and then packed lunch on other days.  They either have packed lunch or a school dinner Monday through to Thursday.  The only time children are permitted to swap a packed lunch for a school dinner is on a Friday - we call this FUNDAY FRIDAY.  This decision has to be made so that the kitchen always has enough food to feed the children that regularly order school dinners.  Orders for the food have to be made in advance and this is why we cannot have children chopping and changing each day.

We always welcome conversations with parents if they are struggling to pay for their child's school dinners.  If your child's dinner account has a deficit of £12 or more, you will be contacted to agree that your child starts having a packed lunch with immediate effect. This is because the school is not in a position to carry these costs.

Packed Lunches

If you decide that you want your child to have packed lunches, we ask that these are healthy balanced meals, so we have attached some guidance for you below.  Please be aware that we will not take food away from a child (unless it causes severe allergies to other children, e.g. nuts).  If we have any concerns over the contents of packed lunches, we will contact parents to discuss this with them. 

Bringing food to school for events

Any food items that are brought into school to share with the children, e.g. for birthdays, need to have the ingredients and allergens clearly labelled (including that they are suitable for vegetarians so that we can share with all children) on the outer packets.  If we do not have this information, the food items will be sent home.  Whole birthday cakes cannot be sent in as we do not have the resources to be able to divide them amongst the children.

Please see the guidance for this attached below.

Free School Meals

If you would like to apply for Free School Meals, please follow the link below:

We are a 'nut aware' school, which means we will do everything we can to avoid nuts on our premises.  This is because people who attend our school can and do have severe allergies to nuts.